Saturday, December 21, 2019

Introducing the German 7.5 cm IG 18 cannon

In German this is called the 7,5 leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18, or 75mm light infantry howitzer. It was designed in 1927, so I am not sure where the designation of 18 comes from. In addition to the version used by the regular infantry, a couple other variations were made for Mountain Troops and Paratroopers, both of which could be disassembled into multiple pieces that could be carried/dropped into battle to be reassembled on the spot. The version made for the Paratroopers did not have a shield. I can imagine that the aerodynamics of dropping that from an airplane and having it land predictably had something to do with that decision. Weighing close to 400kg, it could be dragged/pulled into position by 3or 4 men. It could fire a 6 kg shell, up to 3.5 km away.

21st Century Toys 7.5cm IG 18 cannon and crew
21st Century Toys 7.5cm IG 18 cannon and crew
 This particular set from 21C toys is a nice addition to the collection, although the gun feels a bit brittle. The range of movement is not great and it feels like you might break it if you press too hard. The figures are versatile enough that they could be reassigned to operate other German guns. It also comes with a base of cobblestone surrounded by rubble that gives it an added dose of realism.

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