Saturday, May 28, 2016

Imperial - Toy Soldiers

I don't really know much about this manufacturer. It's not listed on the O'Brien guides and I only found one reference to it online at Toy Soldier HQ, which has it listed under Foreign Manufacturers without specifying the country of origin. It also says that these figures were made around the mid 70s, which would make sense, given the fact that they copied some of the Matchbox and Airfix poses. Whether they made any other figures, WWI or otherwise, is also unknown to me. So if you happen to have any more info on them, please leave a comment. 

Imperial US Infantry
Imperial US Infantry - Part I
This is an interesting set in 1:32 scale. It is a mix of figures based on the Matchbox GIs, Airfix GIs, and the Airfix Australians. The Australians have given up their distinctive hat in favor of the steel helmet. As far as I know there are 9 poses. The missing guys are the Australian Bren gunner who is kneeling, the Australian who is standing/walking on guard duty, the Airfix GI with the bazoooka -he was given a base-, and the Airfix GI who is running with the rifle at his chest. The nice thing is that they have cast them in a way that you can hardly distinguish that they are originally from different sets. The original Matchbox guys used to have baggier outfits, and the Airfix guys were a bit slimmer, but here they look as if they were from the same set. As far as I know, they were made in the mid 70s and they have the Imperial brand stamped beneath their bases

Imperial US Infantry
Imperial US Infantry - Part II
This picture includes four additional poses. Two of the men shown were already in the prior picture. Again, these are a mix of Airfix GIs and ANZAC troops, with some slight modifications. Like the bazooka man has been given a much needed base. And the man standing with the weapon slung over his shoulder has been given a helmet. Other than that, they are very mush the same as the Airfix figures. The paint on this guys was added by a prior owner. 


  1. What scale?Kuvaszsleepybear

    1. Sorry. That's an important detail to leave out. They are 1/32.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Imperial is original 1968 funded Hong Kong base Chinese company,they cloned many airfix/matchbox/Britain herald and lone star plus few Atlantic to avoid copy writes as HK was part of UK by them. They produce playset x US company such HQ and Dell in the 80' using same figures above.
    They mix a lot figures and body parts such Germans from atlantic with Airfix AK-Germans.
    They also produce a line of fantasy,knights and ninjas original designed figures not cloned or copied in bags and playsets.
    They use aluminum mold technique and figures were from 45 to 56 mm aprox depending in set and year made.
    Company was close down in 1992.
    Most molds pass to china and wasted there.
    Erwin Sell

  4. Let me add and clear few things before get mix and confused.
    Imperail toys need to said (imperial )with a crown next to often found.
    the ninjas /kinghs ,soldiers and else were often sold with HK ,only pack said that.
    chances are you find copied mold wasted of them.
    When google in ebay lookx for Hong kong figures or toys in general,then choose either toysoldrers or vintage and look x all sold.
    often a lot are mix with other, some times full entire bags easy to find.Some times are bad copies and not good. Look well before bid or buy.
    Please search worldwide and best bet are Australia,NZ,Saouth Africa and south America.
    Imperial figures were barely sold to UK ,few in US.
    P.S imperial cloned the Mars WW2 12 poses German set in green color
    very well done is slight smaller than original version
    Hope this help.

  5. Do you mean "Mars" WW2 Germans or "MARX"WW2 Germans?Kuvaszsleepybear

    1. sorry Marx 1.32 Germans as well 10 of the Marx battleground poses too.


  7. Try Hugh at , he knows a lot about plastic figures.


  9. I bought a set these when I was ten years old. They are some great poses

  10. I bought a set these when I was ten years old. They are some great poses

  11. I get mix and confused!

    "Company was close down in 1992."

    Not this one then...

    Still very much around and importing high-quality-crap from Asia and the Far East as they always were!


  12. I like them alot, but their heads are cartoonishly large.

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