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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tim-Mee - Toy Soldiers

Tim-Mee Toys was an American firm based out of Aurora, Illinois that produced plastic toys starting in the late 40's and into the 80's. I don't relly know if they ever went out of business. In fact, the brand still seems to be in use today, under the company name Processed Plastic, selling slightly modified versions of the figures that were so popular in the 80's. Tim-Mee produced not only soldiers, but also cowboys, indians, farm figures, clowns, knights, and so on. In terms of toy soldiers, they produced a few series modeled after WWII, and later on, came up with similar figures, adapted to the Vietnam era. I must say that I found the latter much better.The fact that I have a few hundred of them and that I have included them in this blog which is technically dedicated to WWII is a sign of how much I liked them.  Let's take a look at them. 

TimMee US Infantry Series 1 - Part I
These guys are actually 60mm figures. I believe that the same figures were later released in 54mm by Ideal. These 60mm figures say TimMee on the bottom of the base. These guys are not the best sculpted figures out there, but they hold a special place in my collection simply by being among the oldest. I'm sure that once they are painted they will look just fine next to the rest of the men.

TimMee US Infantry Series 1 - Part II
The prone guy is actually a Lido figure but he came with this batch of figures when I bought them so he ended up sneaking into the picture. BTW in this set you can already see some of the poses that would evolve into the Vietnam Tim-Mee figures: the mine sweeper, the kneeling radio man, the bazooka man with a straight back, the machine gunner...

TimMee US Infantry Series 1 - Part III
The rest of the gang. Again, you can recognize a few more of the guys who evolved into the Vietnam set.

TimMee US Infantry Series 2
These guys are also 60mm figures. They are a bit bulkier than the Series 1 figures, with better sculpting. The highlight of this set is the motorcycle man. The man in the middle seems to be wearing a German helmet so I need to do a bit more research to find out if he is really a GI. It came with the rest of them, so I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Also, is it just me or the second guy from the left looks like he could be Japanese?

TimMee US Medical Team
One of the few sets that include a woman. Even though the stretcher is missing, I was still quite happy when I ran into this rare set. I am sure I can scratch-build and improvise a stretcher. Once they are painted, they will go great with the ambulance I just got from FOV.

TimMee Vietnam US Infantry - Part I
TimMee produced 13 poses for this Vietnam era set. You can see that they are definitely Vietnam figures as they are equipped with M16s. I find that most of them evolved from the earlier TimMee WWII poses, but with much better sculpting. The level of detail and the fluidity of the figures' movements are far superior than that of their predecesors.

TimMee Vietnam US Infantry - Part II
This is the other half of the set. If you are paying attention, there are a total of 14 figures in both pictures. By now you have probably realized that one of the guys is featured twice, but with a slight variation. If you like to solve those magazine puzzles in which you get to find the differences, go ahead and take a moment to do so, before I spoil it for you... The guy in the lower picture is throwing a grenade, whereas the one in the upper picture has his hand open. My understanding is that the one with the grenade was the original pose, which was later modified to have his hand open. I guess it gives him more of a commanding attitude, so much, that for years I thought he was the officer leading the men. I did not learn about the earlier pose until much later. BTW, the marching guy, third from the right, is a bit hard to find so if you have any of those, hold on to them. Out of a new bag that I recently got with about 40 guys, I only found one of them.

TimMee 60mm US Air Force - Part I
This is an interesting set. It is supposed to represent a ground crew, a couple of pilots and officers from the Us Air Force. Since I don't really collect airplanes in this scale (or any other) I don't have much use for them, however I think some of these guys would work really well as a tank maintenance crew. Even the pilot, second man from the left, could pass as a tank driver.

TimMee 60mm US Air Force - Part II
In this picture you can see that these figures represent post WWII Air Force guys. The pilot seems to be wearing a helmet with an oxigen mask, the kind that a jet pilot or a high altitude bomber pilot would use. He is not going to make it into my tank crew scene for sure. About the bugler, doesn't he seem like an odd figure to have in this set? 

Click here to see a post about US Infantry
Click here to see US Infantry in action

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Disney / Pixar - Toy Soldiers

I don't have a lot to say about this manufacturer. They are branded as Disney/Pixar, but as we all know, they are not in the business of making toy soldiers, so I suspect they were outsourced to someone who does. These guys are Disney's representation of the TimMee green army men that many kids grew up playing with during the 70's and 80's, as well as the many clones that have followed them up to the present day. As far as I am aware of, these guys existed initially only in digital form and it was only later that they were cast into actual plastic figures. You can find them in buckets with about 80 of them -well, 82 if you count the two paratroopers. These guys represent Vietnam era soldiers -look at the M16s-, so they are technically off topic for this blog, but since I gave the Vietnam TimMee guys a break, I figure I should also do the same with their offspring. Note that only 7 of the original 13 TimMee poses are represented. Most of the new figures are poses/actions that were displayed during the movie.  

Toy Story US Infantry - Part I
Except for the second guy from the right, the other four poses are roughly the same as their TimMee predecesors. The new guy however is not one that I remember from the film, so I am not sure why they did not go with one more of the orginal TimMee poses.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part II
Here we have figures 1, 2 and 4 from the right from the original TimMee set. The other two are poses from the film. One is the officer who controls the whole mission to scout the new presents, and the other is the one that is used during the marching sequence if I recall correctly.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part III
This is one of the guys that drops from the second floor during the daring scouting mission.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part IV
Here is his wing man. The only thing I don't quite like is that the ring where the parachute strings are attached is on top of the helmet. I don't recall if that's how the figures in the movie had theirs attached. Anyhow, all in all a nice set and a nice tip of the hat towards the original TimMee GIs.

Burger King GIs
Here's a bit of an unusual set. It is modeled after the Toy Story GIs, released in 1995. They are about 65mm tall. If there were a few more poses, it would make a good unit. Given their limited number of poses, they will have to be combined with some 70 mm GIs to give them some support. 

Click here to see a post about US Infantry

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bergen Toys - Toy Soldiers

Bergen Toy and Novelty Co. was an American manufacturer of plastic figures. They were also known as Beton, a name that combines the first letters of the words in the company's name. The firm began in the mid 30s, manufacturing lead figures, and they later switched to plastic. Their range is not just military, but they also made circus, farm, and other types of figures. The company was quite popular in the 40's and early 50's but by 1958 it folded under the pressure of foreign made plastic manufacturers. In terms of military figures, they made both WWI and WWII soldiers, although they seem to have focused on the domestic market making only GIs. The WWII figures seem to have borrowed heavily from the WWI set. Let's take a look at what the WWII set looks like. 

Bergen Toys US Infantry - Part I
If it were not for the paratrooper you would definitely wonder if this set is from WWII or WWI. The machine gun does not seem to represent any of the actual weapons issued during WWII and the man with the gas mask on is also a bit out of place. 

Bergen Toys US Infantry - Part II
Note how the poses are very straight, favoring ease of manufacturing. The man throwing the grenade could have certainly used a bit more action in its sculpting. 

Bergen Toys US Infantry - Part III
Always a good thing to have a standard bearer, just in case you want to have your troops parade down the Champs Élysées. I find the guy holding the phone so close to his chest a bit amusing though.

Bergen Toys US Infantry - Part IV
You can recognize these figures by the logo in the bottom of the base.

Click here to see more US Infantry figures
Click here to see US Infantry in action

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Marx 54mm versions of 6" Toy Soldiers

Usually, in this type of posts I like to give a bit of background and history about the manufacturer, but in this case, the manufacturer of these figures is a bit of a mystery to me. Back in the 70's Marx produced these figures in 6" scale. They were big and solid. A few years back though I ran into them in 54mm scale -albeit on the smaller side of 54mm. They were being resold by Minute Men Toy Soldiers as 'SWTS' sets. SWTS -Steve Weston Toy Soldiers is a dealer that also manufactures some figures. However its figures are originals, so I don't really know if SWTS was simply reselling them or if they were the ones that issued them in this smaller scale. BTW, since that time, I have also seen them advertised as DSG figures. DSG is the firm from Argentina that has recently reissued some of the Britains Deetail sets. So as you can see it is a real puzzle who makes them. If you happen to know, please leave a comment!
UPDATE: I recently had the good fortune of getting referred to Steve Weston who clarified that he bought them from DSG, and simply re-packaged them wih a SWTS label and sold them. 

Reproductions of Marx 6" figures - Japanse Infantry
As you can see that they have a very close resemblance to the Glencoe/Marx figures, which makes sense given their common origin. They are nice, action poses which fit well with other Japanese troops. 

Reproductions of Marx 6" figures - German Infantry
Several of these guys have a strong resemblance with the CTS German Infantry. One thing that I don't like is that the guy who is running carrying the ammo box used to have one foot off the ground in the 6" version, but in this scale they forced it to have the back foot on the base, and to lower the rest of the figure they shaved the bottom of the front foot.

Reproductions of Marx 6" figures - German Infantry - Painted
In this picture you might be able to see what I was talking about the front foot of the guy on the left. I did not paint the rest of the set because I had already painted the equivalent poses from CTS and they are almost identical. 

Reproductions of Marx 6" Figures - Soviet Infantry - Part I
Another decent set, but again, they are on the smaller side of 54mm. I like them however as much or more as the other 54mm Marx guys. 

Reproductions of Marx 6" Figures - Soviet Infantry - Part II
Here is the last one of the Soviet guys. I did not paint this one as it is, except for the base, almost exactly like one of the 54mm Marx guys.

Reproductions of Marx 6" Figures - US Infantry - Part I
These guys are OK, but there were a couple things I did not quite like. The first one is the size. They are definitely small and skinny. Another one is the weapon of the man on the right. It is short and stubby. One thing that I did like is a nice detail on the middle man. Notice how the straps of his helmet flap in the air as he runs forward!

Reproductions of Marx 6" Figure - US Infantry - Part II
This guy is the sixth in the set. I actually find him acceptable when I look at him. Not quite sure why I left him out when I painted the other guys.

Click here to see a post about Marx figures
Click here to see some Marx figures in action
Click here to see a post about SWTS figures

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Steve Weston Toy Soldiers - Toy Soldiers

Steve Weston Toy Soldiers is a British Business. It is both a dealer of toy soldiers from all periods and other manufacturers, as well as being a manufacturer of its own line of 54mm figures. At present, its product line is rather small, as they have only been producing their own figures for a few years and the range is mostly focused on the Wild West, however, they do have one interesting WWII set as you will see below. The other really unique and interesting offering that they have is a 1/32 British WWI Mark IV 'Tadpole' tank and its German counterpart the A7V tank. Those of course, are beyond the scope of this blog, however they do deserve a mention due to the uniqueness factor if you are into WWI, you might want to get some of those. 

Steve Weston Toy Soldiers British Infantry
This is their sinlge WWII set. As you can see, overall it is nicely sculpted. I like how the figures are standing with their weight shifted off-center as the poses look more realistic that way. They also come with a good amount of equipment on them, which shows that they pay attention to detail. Perhaps the only thing to criticize is how wide the helmets are. The helmets on a couple of them, like the guy on the very left, remind me of the helmets used by the Star Wars troops protecting the Emperor. Overall, a decent set to add to the collection. As you can see, at the time I took this picture I was in the process of painting them. Once they are fully painted they look better!

Click here to see British Infantry in action