Monday, July 29, 2024

Tihon Figuren - Toy Soldiers

Tihon Figuren is a toy soldier manufacturer based out of Russia. Based on the name, I wonder if there is some type of German connection. They don't describe themselves as a manufacturer per se, but rather as hobby enthusiasts who make figures for their own and their friends' enjoyment. While I just recently discovered them, they seem to have been around for a few years already as they have released over 70 sets. Their choices of figures cover quite a range of periods and genres. I ran into them thanks to a set of Naval Infantry, but they have also released sets covering  American Indians, Cowboys, Pirates, Swiss guards (maybe this explains the German sounding name), Fantasy figures, Aztecs, Russian revolution, or filmed themed such as Braveheart, the Witcher, etc. What's also interesting about some of their figures is that some of them are made to look like cartoons. My focus is WW2, so I won't be featuring all those other sets, but if you are curious, you can check them out here (you might need to use your browser's ability to translate the page as it is in Russian). And if you want to buy their figures, there is a dealer who offers them here. As far as their WW2 set, it is a really nice one. Let's take a look!

Tihon Figuren Soviet Naval Infantry 'Sailors of the Revolution'
Tihon Figuren Soviet Naval Infantry 'Sailors of the Revolution'
Based on the name of the set, I am not sure if these guys are actual WW2 figures, or late WW1/Russian revolution. They do not have any submachine guns, so based on the weaponry they could be either. Which is a good thing for me! The poses are well done, with a lot of nice detail and also a nice level of dynamism. In terms of detail, the faces, including the mustaches are very well done and I also like how they gave the officer a round belly, perhaps due to extra vodka rations being a perk of his rank? Another nice detail I noticed is how the man who is advancing to strike with a knife is biting on to the flaps of his hat, likely to make sure they don't make any sound and betray his approach. The man who is whistling to his mates is also a unique pose. The material of these figures is relatively soft which means that I had to work a bit on straightening the bayonets. /nothing that a bit of hot/cold water won't fix, but it did take a few tries. Maybe that's why someone chose to clip them off in some pictures I saw online. Anyhow, a really nice set which will blend well with the other Naval Infantry sets in my collection!

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