Tuesday, December 15, 2020

WWII Toy Soldiers by Participating Country

 Conte Collectibles German Waffen SS


  1. Hiya, I have a question that I hope you will be able to help with. I remember having as a child in the late 60's to early 70's Plastic Japanese and American soldiers. They were in hard plastic and came painted and had separate bases that were brown ovals with a curved top and I am sore a hole for a peg on the figure and something tells me a rectangular slot. They seemed to come from a very wide range I remember longing for an American Mule packed mortar that was beyond my budget. The main figure I remember was a wounded Japanese infantryman seated as if propped up but equipped with a dark brown plastic base. After a few more years I was in my early teens and I saw the same figures but now available in a box of 20 or more unpainted but still with the same separate bases. As you've guessed by now, I want to ask if you recognise the company that made them from my description as well as things like are they common are they expensive etc.
    Many Thanks

  2. I don't know exactly what figures you are referring to. From the description is sounds like maybe they could be Timpo as some of their figures had detachable bases, but those were Swoppets and as far as I know they were sold later than the period you mention. But who knows, maybe they issued similar figures before. If you find out, let me know. Now I am curious.
