Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Toy Soldier Makers - Recent and New

Plastic Platoon German Infantry Winter
The following is a list of WWII Plastic Toy Soldier Makers which have produced sets in the last 25 years or so. Some of them are no longer producing figures, but some of them are quite active today. Several of them are creating a sort of renaissance for the hobby in which countries and service branches previously ignored are finally getting some coverage and attention. Much of the recent new production has been coming out of Russia. The level of detail and realism has continued to improve to an amazing level, and many of these figures are less toys and more collectibles. Hallmarks of this period have been 21C Toys, Forces of Valor, Conte Collectibles, Toy Soldiers of San Diego, Mars, Publius, Engineer Bassevich, and my favorite, Plastic Platoon. Let's take a look:


  1. When read like that it rather belies the guys who whinge about the state of the hobby!


  2. I know. When I started collecting again in the late 90's, all I could buy were the figures I had played with growing up. And now, there are so many great sets that sometimes it is tricky to keep up. For sure I have fallen behind on my backlog of figures to paint!
