Saturday, November 28, 2020

Introducing the Soviet Assault Engineers

The Soviet Assault Engineers were the analogous of combat engineers in other armies. They were specialized in demolition and attack of heavily fortified positions, which means that they often faced very tough opposition. These units were officially introduced into the Red Army in early 1943, and by summer of that year, they were already in action. They were raised from battle tested battalions with a proven record of success and were grouped into brigade-size units. About 20 of these brigades were created. Prior to these brigades, the Soviet Army did have units of engineers and sappers, and many of them played an important role in theaters like Stalingrad. Something that made the Soviet Assault Troops special is that they wore steel plates as body armor. I am not sure how effective they were against different bullet calibers, and different ranges, but some photographs do show Soviet men with dents on their body armor, which suggests that they did work sometimes. But then, they must have been quite heavy. What is also interesting about these steel plates is that they curve away from the right arm more than they do on the left, to allow for the trigger arm to hold and aim the weapon better. I have yet to see if there is also a left-handed version of these armor plates. Their uniforms also seem to have been different from the regular troops, and they are often seen wearing a loose cammo smock/pants or a cammo overall. In terms of toy soldiers, until recently this service branch had not really been represented. First Publius released a single figure a few years back, and more recently, Mars and Plastic Platoon have covered the subject. Let's take a look.

Plastic Platoon Soviet Assault Troops - Stalingrad, 1942
Plastic Platoon Soviet Assault Troops - Stalingrad, 1942
Another beautiful set from Plastic Platoon. I love how well you can see the dents on the body armor of these guys. Of course, a good range of fighting poses, and weaponry represented, including a flamethrower, a grenade launcher, a Degtyerev DP light MG, and of course, the popular PPSh-41 subMG. All of them sculpted with extreme detail. The poses are also versatile enough to be used in a variety of urban warfare actions. 

Mars Soviet Assault Engineers
Mars Soviet Assault Engineers
The Mars sets keep getting better! Lots to like about these guys. All of them useful combat poses, nice sculpting, good detail, great variety of weapons, including a flamethrower, a light and heavy MG, a captured panzerfaust, and of course, the fact that a different Soviet service branch is being represented. It is also good that not all poses are standing or charging. While I do like fighting poses, I think there's also a need for poses that are operating behind cover, which is easier to achieve if you have a lower body profile.

Publius Stalingrad Soviet Infantry
Publius Stalingrad Soviet Infantry
Note how this set contained an Assault Engineer on the right side. But he was not really enough to mount an assault was he? Now he has some reinforcements to join him!

Click here to check out move Soviet Troops