Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Introducing the German Don Cossacks

Latest edit: Added Hanomak Cossack horse rider

The Cossacks are an ethnic and military order from the area of the Don river in what today is southern Russia / eastern Ukraine. They have been known for centuries, going back to the1400's and have developed a rich tradition and reputation as fierce and effective mounted troops. During WWII, starting in late 1942 and into summer of 1943, the Wehrmacht raised the 1st Cossack Cavalry Division, from captured Soviet Cossack units, deserters, as well as recruits from the occupied Don territories. In the summer of 1944, they were transferred into the Waffen SS and the 2nd Cossack Division was constituted and together with the 1st Division, they became the XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps. It is arguable whether these troops were fighting for the Germans or against the Soviet regime which had oppressed them for almost 25 years. Most of these Cossack units saw action against partisan units in Croatia and Yugoslavia but they also fought as front line troops against the Soviets during the retreat from the eastern front. Outside of the battlefield, the Cossacks were also known for being unruly and ruthless, abusing the local population, sometimes as punishment, sometimes for amusement. Many of them were court-martialed by their German commanders, which is surprising given how brutal Germans themselves were against the locals. At the end of the war, they made their way west in order to surrender to the British, however they were later turned over to the Soviets who executed their leaders, and sent the rank and file to forced labor camps, where most of them perished. Only a few of them made it out alive when they were finally released after Stalin's death in 1953.

Mars German Don Cossacks
Mars German Don Cossacks
Extra points to Mars for addressing a set that had not received any attention (to my knowledge) before. The quality of the set is good overall. The figures come in decent action/fighting poses, with a nice degree of movement, and the sculpting keeps improving. Perhaps the one missing pose from  this set is a cavalry figure, maybe a mounted officer. The Cossacks in general, including the Don Cossacks, were renowned cavalry troops. I know that in WWII the role of mounted units in battle was negligible, however I suspect that in the role of the Don Cossacks, hunting down partisans, and chasing them around the woods and countryside, horses would have been useful. 

Hanomak German Cossack
Hanomak German Cossack
This is a figure that may not be too exciting for some collectors given that it is not much of an action pose. The appeal for me came from the fact that it is a mounted Cossack. The only other German Cossacks that I am aware of are the ones released by Mars a year or two back, but all of them are on foot. So this guy is great at representing their origins riding horses in the steppes of eastern Europe, and it will also make a good commander. In terms of the sculpting the figure is reasonably well done. It has some nice touches like the luger, the hat with the German insignia, and the pelt cover under the saddle, even if the detail is not the sharpest. 


  1. oscar vizcarra:im starting to look more at military equipment but i still like toy soldiers sso i thought id pay a visit to this website

    1. They waged war in Soviet Union only as guardians in rear, fighting against Partizans. Interesting, I didn't know their leaders were judged by German Staff for their cruelty. And, of course, there is the 1 and the 2nd Cossack Division who fought for Germany in WWII, but there were 60 loyal Cossack Divisions who fought for the Soviet Union, despite their hard relationship with it (some were Civil War veterans-as the Whites, as the Reds, some of them were just volunteers). Nevertheless, many of them earned high awards from the government after the war, which replied their heroic actions in protecting their Motherland.

  2. Great site excellent information, I have a number of LONE STAR figures.

    Regards Stephen

  3. You have created a valuable source for information on WW2 54mm figures, so I hope you keep it running. Perhaps you might consider extending it to earlier lead figures? Anyhow, very pleased to recommend it on my blog, congratulations.

  4. Thanks a lot for your kind words Michael! Unfortunately the constraints of time, budget, and storage space will likely keep me focused on WW2 1/32 Plastic. Else my wife might put me out on the curb! :-)
