Thursday, December 26, 2019

Guilbert - Toy Soldiers

I really don't know much about Guilbert. All I have been able to glean is that they were a French manufacturer. They apparently made a diverse range of figures such as Musketeers, Cowboys and Indians, Knights, and even some WWII-like figures. At least some of their figures date back to the 1960s. Many of them are stamped Guilbert on the bottom side of the base. If you do know more about them, please leave a comment.

Guilbert Modern Infantry
Guilbert Modern Infantry

I came across this guy by chance and I only found out who made it thanks to the markings on the base. I initially had mistaken this figure for a WWII GI, but Brian, one of our readers, pointed out that they are actually French Modern Infantry figures, which at the time used weaponry very similar to that used during WWII. When I googled around to learn more about the set, I only found a couple more poses that look similar to him, however, according to the reference site provided by Brian in the comments below, the set contained 12 figures. In terms of the sculpting, I personally like the stance of this figure. He is walking but he definitely seems to be leaning into some action. 


  1. Hi TSG, this figures comes from a set of 12 "Modern Infantry" I think they are meant to be post war French but they all have US equipment so they can just as easily be GI's. You can find out more about them on the French 1/32 Forum here:
    You may need to register to get access but it only takes a minute and is well worth it for the amount of information you will get. Text is in French but easily translated with google and there are lots of pictures.

  2. Thanks a lot Brian. This is very helpful!
