Saturday, February 7, 2015

Schylling Toys - Toy Soldiers

Schylling Toys is a US firm based out of Boston, MA. They have been around for about 30 years and they make and resell all sorts of toys. In fact they seem to make almost every toy but Toy Soldiers. That is except for a single set of US GIs. I suppose they've done it to be able to check off that category. Not surprisingly, what they have done is to clone (or recast?) the Matchbox GIs. Besides that, there is not much else to say when it comes to Toy Soldiers, so let's take a quick look at their set.

Schylling Toys US Infantry
Schylling Toys US Infantry - Part I
Here is another set inspired by Matchbox. These seem to be direct clones of the Matchbox figures, although you do see slight differences, like the missing bayonet on the second guy from the left, the running pose. Despite being clones, I find that the quality of the plastic is fairly good and the level of detail has not been lost. 

Schylling Toys US Infantry
Schylling Toys US Infantry - Part II
Here you see the rest of the poses. It is interesting to see that the officer pose is missing, the one who is aiming or firing a pistol. Instead we have the guy lowering his weapon, which by the way, might also be missing the bayonet if my memory serves me well. 


  1. Hey Guys. Any chance this new company will produce British Commandos in 1/32? Clearly, they are the most interesting of the Matchbox line. Just for conversation, why didn't Matchbox or Airfix do the American Civil War? Thanking you for allowing us the time and expressions. Carl Castoro

    1. I doubt Schylling will do a British Commandos set. If they did other sets, they would probably start by Germans to give the GIs an opponent. But I wouldn't even hold my breath for a second set. I think the GIs they made were just to have a set of soldiers in their line up. I don't beleive they want to produce a whole line of them. About your second question, I don't really know. I have not looked into other periods in detail. Airfix did make civil war troops in 1/72 though...

    2. American Civil War, Mr. Castoro, isn't really something British manufacturers tended to focus on. ACTA do some 1/32 Union, Iron Brigade and Confederate sets though!

      TSG, have you seen the new CTS Korean War Communist troops? A bit out of your time period I know, but your British and American troops could provide some opposition. Pretty exciting, and CTS has alluded to more Korean War sets... British, I hope!

      Major Bogswallop

    3. Hey Major! I did see the Korean troops. I am actually thinking that they might pass for Soviet Winter/Siberian troops, with their padded uniforms. I'll get them and then I am sure I'll find a place (or more?) to fit them :-)

    4. By the way- I have eight Hong Kong copies of Herald British infantry and some from Charbens or Cherilea or similar, I bought them to re-sell and haven't done so, would you want them?

      Major Bogswallop

    5. I think I have enough Herald and Cherilea. Charbens, depends on the set. Which ones do you have? If you want, you can write me at
