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Saturday, November 15, 2014

New Label and Navigation Structure for Site

I recently got some very good feedback from one of our readers who found it a bit hard to navigate the site and find the info that he was looking for. By listening to his feedback, I realized that over time, as the number of posts has grown, my early approach of labeling each post with all the manufacturers and countries/service branches which were mentioned within the post no longer made much sense. So now, instead of over-using the labels, I have created a series of 'index' pages that serve as an intermediate step in the navigation to the actual content.Take a look at it and let me know what you think, particualrly if you have suggestions for how to improve things further. It is your valuable feedback which is helping to make this a better site!

Japanese Vehicles

CTS Japanese Chi-Ha Tank
Click on the links below to see a post on the vehicles used by the Japanese Armed Forces.

Soviet Vehicles

Forces of Valor T-34 Tanks
Click on the link below to see a post on the different types of vehicles used by the Soviet Armed Forces.

Brtish Commonwealth Vehicles

Lone Star Bren Gun Carrier
Click on the links below to see a post on the different types of vehicles used by the British Commonwealth's Armed Forces.

US Vehicles

21C Toys Sherman Tank

Click on the links below to see a post on the different types of vehicles used by the US Armed Forces.

Other Axis Troops

CTS Romanian Infantry
Click on the links below to learn more about a few less known Axis Armed Forces

Italian Troops

21C Toys Italian Infantry

Click on the links below to see a post on each of the different service branches of the Italian Armed Forces.

Japanese Troops

CTS Japanese Chi-Ha Tank

Follow these links to check out the Japanese Troops that we have available

Other Allied Troops

21C Toys Chinese Infantry
Click on the links below to see a post on a few more Allied Armed Forces.

German Troops


Conte Collectibles German Infantry

Click on the links below to see a post on each of the different service branches of the German Armed Forces.

Soviet Troops

Soviet Infantry Toy Soldiers

Click on the links below to see a post on each of the different service branches of the Soviet Armed Forces.

French Troops

Marx French Infantry
Click on the links below to see a post on each of the different service branches of the French Armed Forces.

US Troops

US Marines Landing Craft

Click on the links below to see a post on each of the different service branches of the US Armed Forces.

British Commonwealth Troops

British Infantry Toy Soldiers
Click on the links below to see a post on each of the different service branches of the British Commonwealth's Armed Forces.