Monday, January 2, 2012

The Toy Story GIs

Following on the footsteps of the post about the TimMee GIs, I'd also like to introduce the GIs from Toy Story. These guys are Disney's representation of the TimMee green army men that many kids grew up playing with during the 70's and 80's, as well as the many clones that have followed them up to the present day. As far as I am aware of, these guys existed initially only in digital form and it was only later that they were cast into actual plastic figures. You can find them in buckets with about 80 of them -well, 82 if you count the two paratroopers. As I mentioned in the other post, these guys represent Vietnam era soldiers, so they are technically off topic for this blog, but since I gave the Vietnam TimMee guys a break, I figure I should also do the same with their offspring. Note that only 7 of the original 13 poses are represented. Most of the new figures are poses/actions that were displayed during the movie.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part I
Except for the second guy from the right, the other four poses are roughly the same as their TimMee predecesors. The new guy however is not one that I remember from the film, so I am not sure why they did not go with one more of the orginal TimMee poses.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part II
Here we have figures 1, 2 and 4 from the right from the original TimMee set. The other two are poses from the film. One is the officer who controls the whole mission to scout the new presents, and the other is the one that is used during the marching sequence if I recall correctly.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part III
This is one of the guys that drops from the second floor during the daring scouting mission.

Toy Story US Infantry - Part IV
Here is his wing man. The only thing I don't quite like is that the ring where the parachute strings are attached is on top of the helmet. I don't recall if that's how the figures in the movie had theirs attached. Anyhow, all in all a nice set and a nice tip of the hat towards the original TimMee GIs.

Burger King GIs
Here's a bit of an unusual set. It is modeled after the Toy Story GIs, released in 1995. They are about 65mm tall. If there were a few more poses, it woud make a good unit. Given their limited number of poses, they will have to be combined with some 70 mm GIs to give them some support. 

Click here to see a post about the original TimMee Vietnam GIs

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